

I am in such a crabby funk today. Ugh. I think it’s probably due to the change in time and my sleep being off. SO. In an effort to change my mood, I’m going to share a few positive things from yesterday and today:

  • I caught up with some former co-workers and made plans to do so again soon.
  • I was able to attend the funeral for a former co-worker (my first boss!) and while I was certainly sad that she is no longer a part of our lives, I was glad to be able to participate in this ritual. It was a beautiful service.
  • I talked to my grandmother on the phone and had a nice chat. She is almost 90 and while she won’t use a computer herself, she loves seeing pictures that my sisters and I post to facebook or text to my mom and aunt (her daughters).
  • I made a meal plan and am set to get back on track with my cooking after a weekend of eating out.
  • I painted my nails and have resisted chipping the polish off (terrible habit I have). I don’t usually paint my nails, but I am trying to break a bad habit of picking at my nails and the skin around them when I am anxious (so…right now, as mid-terms approach…it’s amazing I have fingertips at all).
  • I saw a really big, really beautiful red-headed woodpecker while I was walking on campus today. It flew off before I could take a picture, but it was really lovely to see.
  • My husband was giving out extra hugs to help make my bad mood go away. 🙂

Oh, hai…..


Um? I got busy? I don’t know…I think a large part of my not posting here was the fact that my computer was buried under a huge pile of crap. Posting on my ipad is HORRIBLE. I have been taking pictures of the food I make (like a normal person) and so have some things to share. Plus I’ve decided that photographically documenting my grocery trips is going to be a new hobby — I am weirdly intrigued by these posts when others do them AND I figure the more often I am reminded of what I bought, the less likely I am to let food go to waste. I hope.

Also…I’ve been quilting. I’m documenting that on my old blog, if anyone is interested.


I lack it. I am the absolute queen of starting projects and not finishing them. Or, more accurately, starting projects, allowing them to linger in a half finished state for AGES and then, since everything has been sitting in stasis no matter how inconvenient that is for our living conditions, getting totally annoyed and either finishing the project in a very half-assed manner OR packing it up in the half-finished state and ignoring it completely. Out of sight, out of mind.


I’m not sure if this will work (as soon as I write goals down I lose all ambition to complete them…I am my own demotivational poster), but I’m going to start posting three small projects I’d like to complete each week. They range from tiny to small and they just need to be done!

  1. Fix the bottom of the reading chair in front of the fire place. The cats scratched up the liner and I just need to staple it back to the bottom of the seat. It’s been like this for months. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
  2. Finish organizing the pantry and reclaim the kitchen table.
  3. Finish sewing up the top to a baby quilt that is 80% complete. I have two rows to finished and then just need to stitch together the rows. Should be done in one evening.